French Classes for Schools

Are you looking for French teachers to help fulfill your school's French curriculum?
Let our team support you with our French classes!

Are you an educator? Looking for French classes for your school? We've got you covered!

Here's what we've got:

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Our curriculum:

Focuses on the 4 strands in the French as second language curriculum: speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing.

Includes a mix of guided lessons and interactive activities.

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Expected outcome includes:

  1. Consolidation of grammar skills
  2. Critical thinking development through texts, videos, audio clips and conversations.
  3. Acquisition of new vocabulary based on authentic everyday situations

Our assessments are:

  • Based on the same fundamental principles – the primary purpose is to improve student learning.
  • Based on the overall expectations of the Core French curriculum covering the 4 strands.
  • Our assessment grid is based on the Ministry’s categories of knowledge and skills, criteria, descriptors, and levels of achievement. This facilitates the transfer to the ministry’s report cards.
Are we a good match for your needs? Contact us: